To all the attendees of the Sis Boom workshop thanks for making it so special!! I have to say it really is about the journey so I won't be posting any pages from their journals. I just tried to teach what I believe and that is the rewards of play, of creating time for oneself....of being less perfect and more committed to the nurturing process of collaging. These women were so on board, so thirsty, so joyful for the opportunity to be granted permission to make a mess, be silly, and form meaningful friendships!! This group really got that you have to discard to be truly open to the flow of creativity. The best part for me was giving them each a positive affirmation to work into their day. I love the power of words!! Actually this is something you can all do at home.
Take these words, cut them up, fold them and put them into a favorite box. Everyday shake the box take a word and reflect on that word throughout the day. Let me tell you a word a day can keep the negativity away!! Hey when will you guys be back to clean up?? Rachel no picture of you???? So sad! Next time sweet lady! Maritza and Nancy bring back the fabric!!!