My heart is breaking! My sister's Pet, her beloved Pumpkin and her daughter Sophie's best friend was killed by a band of wild dogs roaming the city of Atlanta!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, a city, a growing metropolis, has been home to these wild dogs that terrify their neighborhoods killing their cats and now a 60 lb dog!! Enough is enough..calls to the city have gone unheeded and these emaciated mongrels have been allowed to terrorize the neighborhoods!! Now my sister lives with an extraordinary vision of not being able to save her amazingly humanlike dog from their clutches but the guilt of letting him out to go to the bathroom in his own back yard!!!!!!! It's 2008 people!!!! My sister was over the top in love as only a dog lover could know with Pumpkin
and wondered if she could ever survive without him, after all the highs and lows he has comforted her through. Never did she imagine he would die in such a horrific way..carrying his tortured body home to save the life left in him and then making the grueling decision to let him sleep. Forgive me for using my blog but my heart is so heavy and I needed to say something and my quilting companions with all our dogs could possibly make a difference. I don't know about euthanizing but if they are not or can not be rehabilitated is a child next? My niece Sophie is 60 lbs. Atlanta are you listening??? 4 dogs has turned into 9 over the course of 4 years!! Please keep my sister Meg and Sophie in your prayers, this is a tough one. For now leave a comment and if I find the right channels to voice an opinion I'll let you know....