Today's the day we take my son Matt to UVM to drop him off for his first year at college! Yowser(?) The days leading up to this have been a ton of teenage angst and difficulty and I wondered if God makes teenagers so it's easier to say good- by for awhile...But inside those arguments are a young boy that I don't want to lose ...see I'm losing it....may have to give up on this post......My boy, my first born is leaving the nest, that lump
that keeps closing in my throat. I love him so much and the man he has become, kind considerate and extremely loyal to family and friends.....(as I write father and son are at odds packing him up) but no matter what at the end of the day with lots of sweat and tears we are very much a family! The kind I always wanted. The kind that loves why this book of all his childhood favorites because I will always remember the nights together cuddled up on the sofa before bedtime and how we would read 2-3 books a night and end with "Goodnight Moon"......that is until he learned to speak his first words....."no moon"!!!!!...because for Matthew it meant the end of the day and bedtime!!! A boy who always wants more!!! No doubt in my mind he will achieve greatness not because he's smart but because he's honest and loving and will always do the next right thing ....I adore you Master Matt whether you ever find this or not heart is right next to yours...listen for it...MaMa